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If we compress the time that the Earth was spun out of the nebula that formed the solar system - 4.5 billion years - to the current day into one year, the birth of mankind and all the events encompassing our era would fit the last second of the year.
Yet, in the short period of time we have existed, we have managed to pollute and destroy what nature took so long to build and refine. One of the most significant evolutionary innovations by nature was the idea of trapping millenia of excess sunlight that would otherwise continue to heat up the atmosphere, under the earth.
Yet, mankind released this energy back into the atmosphere during and after the industrial revolution. In the decades that followed, cities like London were covered in the soot and smog that covers the entire region like a choking, warm blanket. Yet, centuries later, we discover a new way to trap sunlight. Solar cells now do the job of sustaining man's need for electricity to use technology that helps keep the whole world as a global village, not to mention for the operation of countless other time saving devices.